Carrot Cake: September 1, 2020
September 1. 55 degrees going to 75. What a time of year to be alive! I can’t believe we’ve been in this covid time for 6 months or so, hope you guys are hanging in. My experience has been a rollercoaster. Here are the recs:
A book:
Barbarian Days, by William Finnegan. This is another surf book that was recommended by my friend Colin. Even if you have only a passing interest in surfing, you will enjoy this read. I’m getting close to the end and am bummed out by that. It’s really a travel book. The author travels around the world looking for uncrowded waves, but he also is looking for answers. There are incredibly detailed, beautiful, sometimes painful accounts of travelling to Indonesia, Africa, Europe, and some really remote places (before this was fashionable) where they got into some trouble.
My friend Christian released another single this week. Search for “Appia” on Spotify if you want to hear it. Local Boston rapper (via NY) early in his career. He has two songs on Spotify. Give them a listen if you like hip hop.
Lemon Wedge. Check out my interview with Rocketship Jobs founder, Henry Johnson. I have a bunch of interviews in the can that will come out soon. I’ve interviewed some incredible people who have gone through some hard shit to get where they are. Hope you’ll join me for a listen over there.
SlingTV. I did not want to have a 300 dollar per month Comcast or Verizon bill at my place, so I got ripping fast internet and the usual streaming services. I was missing out a bit on the hockey playoffs and some Sunday golf, so I signed up for Sling. Couldn’t have been easier. I think I like it.
Some lessons learned, if I can be so bold. I have at least four friends who have brand new babies. Two of them are going to be parents for the first time, so I thought I’d share a thought or two.
Set boundaries. Tell people “no” or “now is not a good time.” When we first had our kids, I allowed us to get WALKED ON by everyone. Most folks have great intentions, but when you haven’t slept or eaten a decent meal or showered in 48 hours, “NO, it isn’t a good time for a visit.” If you don’t want folks stopping by, tell them. I think Covid could actually be helpful here.
Get outside and push the stroller. Don’t become a prisoner in your place. Get the whole team (people, dogs, everyone) out for a few walks per day. It will help you stay sane.
You don’t need advice (including mine). People will offer lots of unsolicited advice. You can say thank you and let their words drift off without taking them in. Everyone is winging it. Trust yourself and your partner. Listen to people with diplomas on the wall, but not everyone is good at parenting.
Two questions that’ve been helpful to me. If you’ve read Byron Katie’s stuff at all you will recognize these.
Anytime you have a negative thought, try asking:
Is it true?
What would it feel like to be free of this thought?